Tag: poet

#15ianuarie #eminescu

“Ce e val, ca valul trece” scria marele poet şi filosof Mihai Eminescu în poemul “Glossa”. L-ai citit? L-ai citit tu, cu mintea ta, nu să-l auzi interpretat în frecvenţele vocii unui actor. Acelea sunt frecvenţele lui, ale interpretului. Intră în rezonanţă cu “vocea” autorului prin frecvenţele tale, nu prin intermediari. Dacă nu ai citit

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Din blogul poetului Liviu Antonesei plus 2 cantece

Unul dintre foarte puţinii oameni care nu uită să iubească neîntrerupt, neoprit, să iubească şi să trăiască în adevăr, poetul Liviu Antonesei, a publicat acum câteva ore acest articol pentru care îi mulţumesc în cuvinte omeneşti şi las Cerul să-l binecuvânteze în  Cuvintele sale. “În noaptea de dinaintea datei la care Gyuri ar fi trebuit

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Eminescu – national poet

Born on January 15, 1850, Mihai Eminescu was not only a poet, but novelist and journalist and, in my view, a philosopher as well. Regarded as the most famous Romanian poet and the first modern poet in Romanian literature, Eminescu lived his short life (he died in 1889) with great passion, always searching for the

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A little present for Mihai Cotea

Mihaela Tolan

In this part of the world today, the 8th of November, we celebrate people who bear the names of the two archangels, Michael and Gabriel. The name-day celebration it’s a common tradition here. Archangel Michael, the one that fights and wins against the evil, that brings the light of truth, the divine justice with his

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Nichita Stãnescu – poet #poetry

Sentimental story Then we met more often. I stood at one side of the hour, you at the other, like two handles of an amphora. Only the words flew between us, back and forth. You could almost see their swirling, and suddenly, I would lower a knee, and touch my elbow to the ground to

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